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  The following fire extinguisher is commonly used in electrical companies to extinguish fires. 
           1. Soda acid type fire extinguisher
           2. Chemical foam type fire extinguisher 
           3. Carbon - tetra - Chloride type fire extinguisher 

                    These types of fire extingushers are commonly used.  The cost is very low.  The concentrated sulfuric acid is sealed in a glass tube and the soda bicarbonate solution is kept both soluction are placed in a container and the handle on the top of the tool is used to extinguish the fire.  This will cause the glass bottle to dissolve and the acid to form carbonated oxide gas together with the soda bicarbonato solution.  The gas of this gas is sure to spray rapidly out of the liquid.  You have to spray this on it.  This can cause a fire to extinguish rapidly.  The solutions within this tool should be updated at least once a year.  

               It is suitable for extinguishing the fire caused by oil.  (transformer, oil switches) The instrument consists of aluminum sulfate and soda bi carbonate and some chemicals are placed in separate compartments as solutions.  When the tool is inverted, all of the solutions are mixed, creating carbonate oxide (CO2) .  This liquid is released under high pressure like foam.  It can be carried up to 20 feet away.  The foam glows on the burning oil and extinguishes it.  

                           This is a good and clean method to help extinguish the damage caused by the electrical supply.  Carbon - Tetra - Chloride is a good insulator, so if a fire in the current goes through, the supply can be turned off without causing any shock without turning off the supply.  in this tool Most of the sealed envelopes contain Carbonide oxide is placed in a liquid state under pressure.  When you hit a piston in this device, the envelope becomes puncture and the carbon - tetra - chloride fluid at high pressure.  It can carry a distance of 20 to 30 feet.  The emitted carbon - tetra - chloride can easily evaporate and extinguish the fire.  It does not cause any damage to electrical equipment and can be used with full protection.

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